FPGA 版 FM 音源 (63) -- FPGA 版 EG (7)
EG モジュールのトップレベル回路図「opl3_EG_top.bdf」を下に示します。 (図をクリックすると拡大します)
この回路は、下位モジュール同士の結線自体は 2017 年 1 月 23 日の記事の回路 (→こちら) と同じですが、入出力ピン数削減のため、出力を EG アキュムレータ出力の 9 本と、ミュート状態出力の 1 本に限ったものです。
この回路図ファイル (opl3_EG_top.bdf) を Quartus II のメニューから
File → Create / Update → Create HDL Design File from Current File... → Verilog HDL
と選んで機械的に Verilog に変換されたファイルに、一部、手を加えたものを下に示します。
// Copyright (C) 1991-2011 Altera Corporation // Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions // and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic // functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing // (including device programming or simulation files), and any // associated documentation or information are expressly subject // to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License // Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License // Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, // without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of // programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by // Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the // applicable agreement for further details. // PROGRAM "Quartus II" // VERSION "Version 11.0 Build 208 07/03/2011 Service Pack 1 SJ Web Edition" // CREATED "Mon Jan 23 08:03:05 2017" module opl3_EG_top( reset, m_clk, slot_clk_en, fs_clk_en, kon_rise kon_fall, egt, mem_init, ar, dr, rof, rr, sl, mute, eg_acc_out ); parameter N_SLOT = 1; input wire reset; input wire m_clk; input wire slot_clk_en; input wire fs_clk_en; input wire kon_rise; input wire kon_fall; input wire egt; input wire mem_init; input wire [3:0] ar; input wire [3:0] dr; input wire [3:0] rof; input wire [3:0] rr; input wire [3:0] sl; output wire mute; output wire [8:0] eg_acc_out; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_0; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_1; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_2; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_3; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_4; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_5; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_6; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_7; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_8; wire [8:0] SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_9; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_10; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_11; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_12; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_13; wire [2:0] SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_14; wire [8:0] SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_15; wire [2:0] SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_16; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_17; wire SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_18; wire [3:0] SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_19; assign mute = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_8; assign eg_acc_out = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_15; opl3_EG_acc b2v_acc( .reset(reset), .m_clk(m_clk), .slot_clk_en(slot_clk_en), .acc_clk_en(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_0), .sft_sel(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_1), .rate13(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_2), .rate15(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_3), .hi_rate(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_4), .A(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_5), .D(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_6), .R(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_7), .M(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_8), .eg_acc_in(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_9), .sl(sl), .eq_0dB(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_11), .eq_95dB(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_12), .eq_slx(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_13), .eg_acc_out(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_15)); opl3_EG_ctrl b2v_ctrl( .reset(reset), .m_clk(m_clk), .slot_clk_en(slot_clk_en), .clk_en(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_10), .eq_0dB(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_11), .eq_95dB(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_12), .eq_slx(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_13), .kon_rise(kon_rise), .kon_fall(kon_fall), .egt(egt), .ar(ar), .dr(dr), .eg_state_in(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_14), .rof(rof), .rr(rr), .rof_1(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_17), .rof_0(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_18), .acc_clk_en(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_0), .rate13(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_2), .rate15(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_3), .hi_rate(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_4), .A(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_5), .D(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_6), .R(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_7), .M(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_8), .eg_state_out(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_16), .rate(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_19)); opl3_EG_mem b2v_mem( .reset(reset), .m_clk(m_clk), .slot_clk_en(slot_clk_en), .mem_init(mem_init), .eg_acc_wr(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_15), .eg_state_wr(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_16), .eg_acc_rd(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_9), .eg_state_rd(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_14)); defparam b2v_mem.N_SLOT = N_SLOT; opl3_EG_psc b2v_psc( .reset(reset), .m_clk(m_clk), .fs_clk_en(fs_clk_en), .rof_1(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_17), .rof_0(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_18), .rate(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_19), .clk_en(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_10), .sft_sel(SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_1)); endmodule
parameter N_SLOT = 1;
の 1 行を追加したのと、
defparam b2v_mem.N_SLOT = 1;
defparam b2v_mem.N_SLOT = N_SLOT;
に書き換えて、トップレベルの opl3_EG_top() に渡した N_SLOT パラメタが下位モジュールの opl3_EG_mem() に渡るようにしたものです。